Exhibit Item 76

Lippia palmeri
Illustrator: © Wendy C. Hodgson
Pen and Ink
Food Plants of the Sonoran Desert, 2001
Orégano is an aromatic seasoning herb that is often used like sage or thyme. The leaves are usually collected and hung to dry after a heavy rain and preferably before fragrant white flowers appear since it they are bitter.
Exhibit Item 77

Nolina microcarpa
Beargrass, Sacahuista
Illustrator: © Wendy C. Hodgson
Pen and Ink
Food Plants of the Sonoran Desert, 2001
Native peoples ground the seeds into flour for bread, ate the fruit and used the stalk as a vegetable. Strangely, this plant provides food for animals such as white-tailed deer but is poisonous to sheep, cattle and goats.